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Megan Jordi Brody

Founder & Managing Attorney
Fundadora y Abogada Administradora

All immigrants — no matter who you are, where you’re from, what you look like, what language you speak, or how much money you have — should be treated with dignity and given a fair chance at immigrating to the United States.

Todos los inmigrantes, no importa quién eres, de dónde eres, cómo te ves, qué idioma hablas o cuánto dinero tienes, deben ser tratados con dignidad y tener una oportunidad justa de emigrar a los Estados Unidos.


About Megan

Before she founded Brody Immigration Law, PLLC, Megan dedicated 14 years to working in the non-profit immigration legal services sector, most recently as the Managing Attorney at HIAS, a global non-profit dedicated to protecting asylum-seekers and refugees.

Megan began her career in immigration law in 2004 as an Americorps paralegal on the Texas/Mexico border at ProBAR (Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project), where she assisted attorneys in representing adults and unaccompanied minors in immigration detention.  After graduating cum laude from law school in 2010, she co-founded New Mexico Immigrant Law Center (nmilc.org) the first non-profit in the state of New Mexico dedicated to defending low-income immigrants facing deportation.

Megan received her B.A. from Goshen College, her M.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of New Mexico, and her J.D. from the University of New Mexico School of Law. Megan is admitted to the bars in New Mexico and New York, and is licensed to practice federal immigration law nationwide.

Megan is fluent in Spanish.

Antes de fundar Brody Immigration Law, PLLC, Megan dedicó 14 años a trabajar en el sector de servicios legales de inmigración sin fines de lucro, más recientemente como la Abogada Administradora en HIAS, una organización global sin fines de lucro dedicada a la protección de solicitantes de asilo y refugiados.
Megan comenzó su carrera en leyes de inmigración en 2004 como asistente legal de Americorps en la frontera de Texas / México en ProBAR (Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project), donde asistió a abogados en la representación de adultos y menores no acompañados en detenciόn. Después de graduarse cum laude de la escuela de derecho en 2010, fue cofundadora del Centro Legal para Inmigrantes de Nuevo México (nmilc.org), la primera organización sin fines de lucro en el estado de Nuevo México dedicada a defender a los inmigrantes de bajos ingresos que enfrentan la deportación.
Megan recibió su B.A. de Goshen College, su maestría en estudios latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Nuevo México y su doctorado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Nuevo México. Megan es admitida en los bares de Nuevo México y Nueva York, y tiene licencia para practicar leyes federales de inmigración en todo el país.
Megan habla español con fluidez.

Media appearances & publications

Apariciones en medios de comunicaciόn y publicaciones

“The Tragedy of Artesia,” by Megan Jordi, ImmigrationProf Blog, December 8, 2014.

“Advocates Preparing for Immigration Changes,” by Russell Contreras, Washington Times, November 20, 2014.

“Ticket to Nowhere: Shady Consultants Lure Immigrants with a Dream that Can’t be Bought,” by Peter St. Cyr, The Santa Fe Reporter, September 24, 2014.

“New Family Detention Centers Hold Immigrant Women and Children Without Bond as Asylum Claims Pend,” by Renee Feltz, Democracy Now with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, August 14, 2014.

“Children in Jail: What It’s Like for Immigrants Held at Artesia Center,” by Megan Jordi, American Immigration Council Immigration Impact, August 6, 2014.

“Inside a Converted New Mexico Detention Center, ‘Swift Process’ May Mean Asylum Claims Overlooked,” by Guest Contributor and Sharita Gruberg, ThinkProgress.org, July 30, 2014. 

Immigrants Deserve to See Compassion,” by Megan Jordi, Albuquerque Journal, July 30, 2014.